embracing and celebrating the reality that we really are all just Taller Toddlers, or grown-up kids, has the ability to make adulting more manageable, magical and marvelous.
it has the ability to mitigate, if not end, the loneliness epidemic.
welcome to Taller Toddlers, a refreshingly nostalgic experience where we have playdates with interesting grown-ups to help you navigate and normalize the ups and downs of adulting — with juice boxes, of course.
each playdate takes the listener through a nostalgic, silly, substantive and inspired immersive audio experience — making for content that listeners want to spend time with.
Taller Toddlers is intimate, it’s accessible and it’s urgent.
because we’re all teething on something, and it’s time to start talking about it.
with 24 years of life under my belt, there are two things I know to be true.
young people are in crisis — I know because I’m one of them. we’re not OK. and it’s not our fault.
all adults are really just Taller Toddlers. you, me, your parents, the parking attendant, your boss, your barista, the stranger crammed next to you on the subway this morning — all of us.
because we’re all just making it up as we go, really.
because we’re all just making it up as we go, really.
Class Rules
be a good listener
don’t hog the airtime. we all remember the 3 before me rule, right?
leave your briefcase at the door
loosen that tie, slip off those heels, and take a seat on the TT rug.
it’s okay to be messy
but make sure you leave time to clean up your materials.
try your best
because that’s really all you can do.
use your inside voice
if you meet more than two assholes in a day, you’re the asshole. take a nap, grab a snack, and reset.
be kind
it costs you nothing, but to someone it could mean everything.